Hertisan 150,440 mg | Sana Pharma
Hertisan 150,440 mg
Home » Medicinal Products » Hertisan 150,440 mg


Powder for concentrate for solution for infusion

Hertisan contains the active substance Trastuzumab, a “monoclonal antibody” that is designed to bind selectively to an antigen called human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). When it binds to HER2 it stops the growth of such cells and causes them to die.

Hertisan is used in the treatment of breast cancer when:

  • You have early breast cancer, with high levels of a protein called HER2.
  • You have metastatic breast cancer with high levels of HER2, in combination with chemotherapy medicine.


Hertisan is used in the treatment of gastric cancer when:

  • You have metastatic gastric cancer with high levels of HER2, in combination with the other cancer medicines.


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