Sana Pharma has successfully registered its manufacturing site at Iraq ministry of health .
Sana Pharma has been approved by Jordan FDA as third party analytical site for NDMA/NDEA carcinogenic of Valsartan family.
Sana Pharma has the renewal of ISO 13485 certificate (medical devices-quality management system) which allow Sana Pharma to export its products to the European market.
Collaboration between the Faculty of Pharmacy/University of Jordan represented by the University President, Prof. Abdulkarim Al-Qudah, and Sana Pharma represented by the General Manager, Dr. Samer Al...
Sana Pharma participated in the "Pharmaceutical Care Campaign" launched by the Jordanian Pharmacists Association on Monday in Arifah Mall / Amman on the occasion of World Pharmacists Day, which...
Happy New Hijri Year.
أسرة سنا فارما تهنئكم بقدوم العام الهجري الجديد..١٤٤٠ هـ
كل عام و أنتم بخير
Jordan FDA approved the Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PSMF) at Sana Pharma on 31/7/2018 based on the principles of pharmacovigilance for the year 2016 and after a team of the JFDA conducted...
.شركة سنا فارما بإدارتها وموظفيها تقدم لكم اطيب وأعذب التهاني بمناسبه العام الجديد وتتمنى لكم مزيد من الصحة والسلامة
شركة سنا فارما بإدارتها وموظفيها ترحب بانضمام
الدكتور بشار الفيضي
لأسرتها/ مستشاراً للبحث والتطوير
Sana Pharmaceutical Research Company intends to award a supply contract for Supply, delivery, commissioning, maintenance, after-sales service, and on-site training of UPLC (Ultra Pressure Liquid...